Kirtan's 2022 Wrap Up 🏎️

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2022 was a rollercoaster. A year of learning and exploring for me. I participated in hackathons, and community meetups learned new skills and completed 3 semesters of engineering in a single year.

Sarthak Goswami -

At the end of 2021, I bought a Dell G15 gaming laptop and I was very excited to learn video editing because now I had a powerful machine to run Adobe Premier Pro, so I started learning it. During the time I was learning, I got to work with Sarthak Goswami (500K+ subs). I was with him from his very second video (20K subs) to almost 300K subscribers. I always thank him for this opportunity he gave me to work with him. My video editing and scriptwriting skills went from almost zero to a hundred. I learned a lot about the content space and how YouTube works. I left him in July 2022 after working for almost 8 months because I wanted to focus on my coding and development skills.


Hackathon -

During this time, I also applied for the Smart India Hackathon which is India’s biggest hackathon organized by the Government of India. I won the second runner-up prize there i.e. ₹50,000. If you want to know the full story you can read it here -

Read Here...↗️

Communities -

I got a chance to attend “MLH Hackcon” - The conference for hacker community leaders. It was one of the best decisions I took to attend it, I learned a lot about how hacker communities and hackathons can create a great impact in the community. Also, met a lot of amazing folks there.


This year our college got access to GDSC - Google Developer’s Students Club. I got selected as a - Social Media and Content Lead. We organized many successful events - Compose Camp, Git and GitHub 1.0 and Google Cloud.

Git and GitHub 1.0 was hosted by me, happy to share that I introduced over 40+ students to how to use Git and GitHub.

GitHub Repository...↗️


I was also a part of many communities around India - Sharadeum, Hack This Fall and Hack The League. Thanks to all these communities for hosting amazing in-person events. Looking forward to learning and contributing to these communities.

Travel -

I went to New Delhi for MLH Hackcon, my first solo travel experience. I also travelled for the first time on an aeroplane, my first flight experience. The first flight experience is always very special for a middle-class boy like me, the view from the top was amazing can’t express it in words. It was great travelling solo, you learn how to take decisions on your own.

Learnings -

I lost a very important person in my family and learned a lesson. Life is unpredictable, please spend time with your loved ones ❤️ you never know what will happen.

Overall it was a great year, looking forward to 2023 to engage and contribute to more communities and open-source.

This was my 2022 wrap-up, thank-you you for reading my blog, I hope you found it interesting:)

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